Museum Corner: Historic Virginia Key Next Steps

18 Jun
We had a successful Earth Month at Historic Virginia Key Beach Park, filled with impactful initiatives and collaborations. One of the highlights was hosting beach cleanups with influential leaders such as Chairwoman Christine King, Team King and esteemed organizations like The Blue Missions, Miami Waterkeeper, Barry University, Baynanza, Jack and Jill. Together, we rolled up our sleeves and worked tirelessly to preserve and protect our precious beach and historic land. The collective effort and dedication demonstrated by these individuals and organizations were truly inspiring. We are grateful for their commitment to environmental stewardship and for joining us in making a positive impact on our beautiful coastline rich with history with over 300 volunteers and 700lbs of trash collected. Let’s continue to work together to keep our beach clean and ensure a sustainable future for Historic Virginia Key Beach Park.
Preserving the historic park and its history is the number one priority. We are thrilled to share that the city commission passed legislation that allows the museum consultant agency, LORD, to continue to do their work. This is a significant step forward in celebrating African American History and other important narratives while aligning with existing legislation. We aim to expand the narrative and highlight the real stories of the Miami Civil Rights Movement.
Mr. Neil Hall, FAIA
Interim Executive Director
Virginia Key Beach Park Trust
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