To whom it may concern:
Thank you for choosing Historic Virginia Key Beach Park for your upcoming Film or Photo Shoot. In order to film or do a photo shoot at the park you must pay for an Authorization Fee and a Site Fee. Commercial Still Photography & Filming at Historic Virginia Key Beach Park City of Miami Film Permits are available for Commercial Photography & Filming by contacting Jennifer Bazail at 305-416-1337 You will need to acquire insurance – Insurance Cert listing Virginia Key Beach Park Trust and the City of Miami as additional insured (the insurance company must be “A” rated. The limits of liability are $1 Million dollars per Occurrence / $1 Million dollars Aggregate for Comprehensive General Liability and If applicable, A Liquor Liability)
AUTHORIZATION FEE: This will allow you and your crew access to the park and the ability to film/photo on the premises for an entire day during park operational hours. 10 Parking Passes will be given for the crew.
Still Photo Authorization Fee: $250.00 per day (7:00 am to Sunset).
Filming Authorization Fee: $250.00 per day (7:00 am to Sunset).
SITE FEE: This will allow you and your crew access to various areas of the park and the right to use that particular location or locations exclusively for the entire day during park operational hours. (Based on availability)
Still Photo Site Fee: $250.00 per location (7:00 am to Sunset).
Filming Site Fee: $250.00 per location (7:00 am to Sunset).
Locations in the park include: Main Pavilion / Dance Pavilion / Green Pavilion / Orange Pavilion / Beach Front Only / Front Lawn / Event Lawn / Wedding Platform & Gazebo / Tents areas / Concession Stand
Please note that no vehicles are permitted on the shoreline and coastal dune at any time.
Thank you!
Michelle Swaby-Smith
Special Events Liaison 305-960-4618